Month: November 2015

Azure Resource Manager and Powershell 1.0

Microsoft recently updated Azure Powershell to 1.0 in the process introducing a large number of breaking changes to the CmdLet’s. Essentially they’ve removed Switch-AzureMode and instead of that the Azure Resource Manager cmdlets have all had an Rm introduced to them so for example:




For the most part the errors on upgrading a Powershell script are obvious and a rename will get you going however somewhat confusingly there are now pairs of cmdlet’s that do the same thing but only effect the different cmdlet sets.

An example of one that caught me out is Select-AzureSubscription. I’ve got numerous Azure subscriptions and scripts that deploy into different subscriptions depending on what I’m doing. Previously I used Select-AzureSubscription along with Switch-AzureMode and this worked. The problem is that Select-AzureSubscription still works – but it has no effect on the cmdlets that use the Rm prefix.

This led, confusingly, to a resource group being created in a different subscription to the one I intended and resources with the same name as in my intended resource group (resources which already existed) being created, or attempted to be created, in this new resource group. They failed as they already existed with the same names elsewhere.

The fix was to use Select-AzureRmSubscription.


Accidental Fish Application Support v3.1.0 Release

This week I’ve published a couple of updates to this framework taking it to v3.1.0.

Release notes for v3.0.0 are here and for v3.1.0 here.

There are breaking changes moving to the v3.x series as I’ve completely overhauled the logging framework to allow for the introduction of robust logging providers deeply into the framework including a new NuGet package for Serilog. There is a sample showing how to use this package and the new logging framework.

In addition I’ve upgraded the queueing system with some new features.

Firstly there is brand new support for large message queues – as in queues with message sizes in the megabytes or gigabytes. This is surfaced through the ILargeMessageQueueFactory and ILargeMessageQueue interface and combines a standard queue with a blob repository. The ILargeMessageQueue interface is derived from the standard IAsynchronousQueue and so can be used interchangeably and transparently with existing queue consumers.

Finally the queues now provide access to message properties where the underlying queue supports this feature – for example Azure Service Bus queues, topics and subscriptions.

I’m planning to add support for DNX and Entity Framework 7 in the near future (weeks, not months).

As ever if you have any issues or feedback then you can get in touch here or over on GitHub.


  • If you're looking for help with C#, .NET, Azure, Architecture, or would simply value an independent opinion then please get in touch here or over on Twitter.

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