App Service Easy Auth with Auth0 (or any Open ID Connect provider)

If you're looking for help with C#, .NET, Azure, Architecture, or would simply value an independent opinion then please get in touch here or over on Twitter.

So I’m going to prefix this with a warning – I doubt this is officially supported but at a basic level it does seem to work. I would use at your peril and I’m writing this in the hope that it makes for a useful starting point discussion with the App Service team.

I was looking at Easy Auth this week and found myself curious as to if it would work with a generic Open ID Connect identity provider. My first choice provider is Auth0 but that’s not one of the listed providers on the Easy Auth configuration page which, on the face of it, is quite limited:

Azure AD is (as well as many other things) an Open ID Connect Provider so I had a look at its settings in the advanced tab and its asking for two pretty common pieces of information in the identity world: a client ID and an issuer URL. I had an app in Auth0 that I use for general testing so I pasted in its well known configuration endpoint and the ID for my client:

I hit save and it seemed to accept everything. My web app is sat on the URL so on the Auth0 side I added a callback URL to the Easy Auth callback endpoint:

Easy Auth forwards on the contents of common claims in headers such as X-MS-CLIENT-PRINCIPAL-ID (the subject) and X-MS-CLIENT-PRINCIPAL-NAME (the name) so to see if this was working I uploaded a simple ASP.Net Core app that would output the contents of the request headers to a web page. Then I paid it a visit in my browser:

Oh. So that’s hurdle one passed. It does redirect successfully to a none-Azure AD identity provider. What about logging in?

Great. Yes. This works too. And the headers are correct based on the identity I used to login with.

How does this compare to the headers from an Azure AD backed Easy Auth:

Basically the Auth0 login is missing the refresh token (I did later set a client secret and tweak configuration in Auth0) – so there might be some work needed there. But I don’t think that’s essential.

It would be incredibly useful to be able to use Easy Auth in a supported manner with other identity providers – particularly for Azure Functions where dealing with token level authorization is a bit more “low level” than in a fully fledged framework like ASP .Net Core (though my Function Monkey library can help with this) and is only dealt with after a function invocation.


  • If you're looking for help with C#, .NET, Azure, Architecture, or would simply value an independent opinion then please get in touch here or over on Twitter.

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